
Join the Brotherhood Community!

We host a monthly men’s breakfast at all three of our churches.
Scroll through our upcoming events below.

Tap the event to get a ticket!

Brotherhood Breakfast

Broken Arrow
February 22, 7:15 AM
7:15 AM – 9:00 AM
Join us this month, as we hear a great message from local business leader, entrepreneur and author – Arthur Greeno. See you there!

Brotherhood Breakfast

March 1, 8 AM
Men, you will not want to miss our next breakfast!

Brotherhood Breakfast

March 7, 6:45 – 7:45 am
6:45 AM – 7:45 AM
We're looking forward to Kirby Anderson continuing our Stoked mission and sharing with the men of Brotherhood in March!

Young and old.
Every walk of life.
All men are welcome.

Brotherhood is a community of men united in our pursuit of Jesus. We focus on Christ for our model of manhood. Our ultimate goal is to help each other be formed into true disciples of Jesus. In doing so, we not only find our greatest satisfaction in life, but we are able to bring blessing and life to those around us, especially our families.

Being formed into the likeness of Jesus doesn’t happen in isolation. It happens through learning, support, accountability, encouragement, and challenges from other men.