Throughout the Gospel of John, you see vastly different people encounter Jesus . You see the skeptics, the religious, the rejected, and the suffering respond to Him, but more importantly, you see how Jesus responds to them.
The stories are a beautiful depiction of how Jesus comforts, confronts, heals, and invites people to follow Him. Here’s the deal: He wants to do the same for you.
We often view Jesus as an abstract idea, wanting nothing more from us than for us to be loving and forgiving. But if this is how we view Him, we’re missing the real Jesus.
The real, concrete, embodied Jesus threatens our way of life. He asks us to change in profound ways so that we can follow Him. That’s a different kind of Jesus. He asks and demands more from us than just to be a better person than we were yesterday. He calls us to make Him our Lord.
Stories are a fundamental way that Jesus taught while he was on earth and how we can come to know him now. Each week, we encourage you to read the stories of John for yourself.
Tap Verses to Read
Week 1: John Chapter 1
Week 2: John Chapter 3
Week 3: John Chapter 4
Week 4:John Chapter 9
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