Wisdom for Every Day Life
Sometimes, we think that wisdom is something we pursue only for our own benefit, to impress others and make ourselves look good. However, true wisdom, especially biblical wisdom, is always expressed in community. It comes from God and is meant to be lived out in our relationships with others. When we make wise decisions, we invite God’s wisdom into our lives, and when we interact with others with wisdom, we reflect God’s character.
Pursuing wisdom is not just a pious pursuit, but is a practical way to bring God’s presence into our daily lives.
We are constantly inundated with “wisdom.” In the digital age, knowledge is at our fingertips. But one can possess endless knowledge and lack all wisdom. Life is a forward journey and we are all moving toward something. But are you moving toward wisdom?
Like grace and forgiveness, wisdom is something God offers and which we must receive. It’s not an impersonal force, but an attribute of God, and the proverbs are not promises or formulas for success. Life is too complex for simple formulas.
True wisdom frees us from the distortion of our pride and begins in humility: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
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