
February 20, 2023

Conquering Lies With Truth

Did you know you have over 6,000 thoughts a day? ( Your mind is constantly interpreting the world around you and within you in search of truth. To illustrate, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.

In short, your thoughts construct the reality you live in. So that begs the question, are you living in the reality of the truth?

You encounter lies every day.

The most contested space in the universe is the space between your ears. Think about it, all throughout your day, headlines, ideas, and people are competing for your attention. In other words, you’re bombarded with ideas and thoughts, and not all of them are true or good for you.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says,
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

It’s easy to live in a lie.

There is no shortage of false narratives about who you should be, how you should be, and what you should be doing. Negative thought patterns can create a destructive cycle that takes you further and further from the truth of who you are in Christ. The devil’s goal is deception, and his weapons are lies. Lies disconnect you from the reality of who you are and who God is.

You’re not meant to let harmful lies shape you’re reality, but it’s so easy to do. As a result, most people find themselves living a lifetime in a lie.

Recognizing the lies in your life

So, how do you uproot the lies in your lives? First, you need to recognize the lies. Here’s a list of some common lies people live in.

Common lies:

God’s word is reality.

Next, you need to replace the lie in your life with the truth. God’s word is reality. When you dig into scripture, you start to saturate your mind with what is true.

The highest and truest way God chose to reveal Himself is through His Word. For this reason, the scriptures anchor us to what is good and what is Holy.

However, if you don’t know the whole reality and context of scripture, it’s easy to distort the truth of scripture with your own lie. So, more than just reading verses every now and then, we highly recommend you engage in a reading plan. You can find recommendations on reading plans here.

God’s Word is full of reminders of the truth of every child of God. When the lies creep in, remind yourself and your enemy of the truth.

Replace lies with truth.

Finally, when you’re working to uproot a lie in your life, you should replace that lie with the truth. Here are some scriptures to help you replace the lies in your life with truth.

Scriptures to combat lies:

In summary, the closer you are to God, the easier it will be to identify and reject the deceptions of the enemy. Connecting to the Scriptures connects you to reality and to what is good.
In addition to the verses above, we highly recommend starting a reading plan that takes you through the whole story of scripture. You can find our Bible Reading Plan recommendations here.

Do you want to go deeper? Check out our podcast episode on identity.

Identity and the Lie of “Follow your dreams”

Check Out Our Series The War Within

Watch the Messages >