Here are some ideas to consider in order to make the most of your Group Time.
Personal Preparation Helps Everyone
Come prepared to each group session. It not only makes the content come alive for you, but it sharpens everyone around you. At best, preparation means working through the Pre-Group section before you arrive and coming ready to engage. At a minimum, preparation means praying for your group and bringing your Real Jesus book with you.
Speak for Yourself
During Group Discussion everyone benefits from your honesty and vulnerability. Make it personal with “I” statements. You’re an expert on yourself more than anyone (including your spouse). E.g. “I know I struggle with _____” is better than “Everyone has an issue with ______” or “You seem to have an issue with _________”.
Be Comfortable with Silence
Some people are uncomfortable with silence. “This is Group Discussion time, shouldn’t we be discussing?” It’s okay to allow for silence between responses or to give someone time express what they’re feeling without interruption. Also remember — there is no pressure to share.
Punctuality is the Best
One of the best ways to honor your group is simply by showing up on time. Make every effort to be punctual and your group will appreciate it!
Strictly Confidential
What someone shares in this group inside the privacy of your group is not to be shared outside the group. Group Time is a “brave space”. Protect that by staying committed to not repeat what you hear.