Category: Money

Navigating Jesus' Teachings on Money
In a world vying for our attention at every turn, Jesus challenges us to examine what truly has priority in our lives. You can’t serve God and money, so which will it be? In this episode, Whit and Casey break down Matthew 6:19-34. They talk about spiritual practices to de-center money from our lives, learning…
How Does God Want Me to View Money?
Whether you’ve got a lot or a little, money keeps a tight grip on our hearts. But when we shift our focus to God, we are willing to do whatever He asks. Trusting God with your resources is like putting a deposit in a heavenly place and allowing God to pay you back in His…
The Call to Compassion
There is no life of following Jesus that exists apart from good works. Good works are acts of service, compassion, generosity, kindness, and mercy. Ephesians 2:8 says, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. God saved you through the sacrifice…
How to Honor God With Your Money
Our culture has lost its sense of honor. You see it in the cynicism and sarcasm that tears down everything without limit. You see it in the way that people talk to each other. We live in a culture of dishonor. But honor is a big deal to God, so it should be a big…
God and Money: An Interview with Kyle Hill
Kyle Hill graduated from Northeastern State University with an accounting degree in 1992. After college, he spent 28 years in the oil and gas sector, the last 15 of which were in private equity funded exploration and production companies. He and his wife Lanie are an integral part of our Church on the Move family.…
Stewardship: Your God-Given Role
Stewardship is a responsibility God gave humanity from the very beginning of creation. In Genesis 1 & 2, God makes your role clear: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing…
Money: Trusting God In Need and Abundance
Trusting God with your money is not easy, but it is necessary. Let's be honest, there are things in life that are easier to trust God with than others. Like you probably don’t sit awake at night and worry about if the sun will come up in the morning. But what about the hard stuff?…
Why Do We Give? by Chris Turner
If you’ve grown up in church, you might take it for granted. If you haven’t grown up in church, you might wonder what this whole giving thing is all about. What is behind the heart of generosity and why is it essential to the church? It doesn’t make much sense on the surface. Why would…
Contentment Over Materialism by Hannah Zapf
Let's talk about contentment—Do you ever wonder why you always want the new iPhone? Why you want a new car when yours still runs great? Why you want to go to Target when you feel sad? They say the average American sees over 5,000 ads per day. Our society is overrun with consumerism that is…