Tag: commandments

Psalm 107: Let the Redeemed Say So
Unrequited love makes for great comedy, but insufferable reality. From my first date with Ruth, I knew I would marry her. I wasn’t overly anxious about it. In fact, the just the opposite. I felt a great sense of relief from the onset our relationship. After years of searching, the search was finally over. I…
Psalm 103: A God with Benefits
I remember it being late on a Tuesday night when we had another “debate.” My girlfriend (now wife) and I had just attended a worship gathering for college students. It wasn’t put on or sponsored by any single church or denomination. It was an hour of music with maybe five minutes of teaching from someone.…
Psalm 19: Creation Testifies
Sun’s Out Summertime. The days stretch out, long and lean, extending an invitation for us to soak up every ounce of sunlight left lingering on the edge of the horizon. There aren’t more than 24 hours in a day during the summer, but it sure does feel like it. More time for playing, swimming, laughing,…