Category: Church
What Are the Best Bibles for Kids?
As parents, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to know how to best disciple our kids and teach them about Jesus. One of the most important tools we can use in this journey is the Bible, but with so many different translations and storybooks available, it can be hard to know which ones are the best…
READ MOREWhat to Expect at Kids on the Move
We know what a huge deal it is to trust someone with your kids. We believe kids and students matter to God. So, we’re passionate about creating engaging and creative environments that bring the Bible to life and show kids their part in the Gospel story. Let's take a look at what you can expect…
READ MOREFour Simple Ways to Invite Someone to Church
We often view Jesus as an abstract idea, wanting nothing more from us than for us to be loving and forgiving. But if this is how we view Him, we’re missing the real Jesus. The real, concrete, embodied Jesus threatens our way of life. He asks us to change in profound ways so that we can…
READ MOREAdvent: What's love got to do with it?
During Advent, we have reflected on the ideas of Joy, Peace, and Hope. We finish our journey to Christmas with the theme of Love. Specifically, we consider the giving of love. People don’t know how we feel unless we show them. I don’t know about you, but I have been guilty of assuming that people…
READ MOREAdvent: Making the Most of Your Christmas Season
We don't know if you're anything like us, but every year we make a promise to ourselves that this year will be a really special Christmas for our families. That we're going to really celebrate the season, we're going to do more than just get caught up in everything that has to happen, and we're…
READ MOREChurch Hurt: Is it time to leave?
If you've been on TikTok or Instagram lately, you've likely seen countless videos, meme accounts, and stories about church hurt. For the last episode of season one, Whit and Adam explore church hurt and what to do about it. Often we think, that church is where everybody is supposed to be doing the right thing.…
READ MOREWhy Do We Give? by Chris Turner
If you’ve grown up in church, you might take it for granted. If you haven’t grown up in church, you might wonder what this whole giving thing is all about. What is behind the heart of generosity and why is it essential to the church? It doesn’t make much sense on the surface. Why would…
READ MOREWhat is Discipleship? by Lee Martin
I love to climb mountains. It’s been a passion of mine since I was a teenager. A couple years ago, my best friend and I got to climb one of our dream summits, Mount Rainier, in Washington state. Mt. Rainier is one of North America’s premier mountain climbs, in part, because the whole upper half…
READ MORETrue lies: “The church is not a building.”
With the rise of online gatherings, there's no doubt you've heard someone say, "The church is not a building." But if the church isn't a building, then what is it? We live in a time with access to more churches, sermons, resources than ever before, so the question is, "Why church?" Why would someone…
READ MOREAbout Church
Maybe you know this… maybe you don't but In Motion is the content platform of Church on the Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We put together the church blog category for content related to our church and help answer questions our readers might have about who we are and what we do. A family of churches…