Category: Life in Motion

Staying friends even when you disagree
How do you establish who you are apart from your parents? What if your family and friends disagree with your beliefs, values, or goals? Can you still stay close? What about making friends—can you be friends with someone with differing political views, a different lifestyle, or other beliefs than you? Can you be friends with…
Toxic People and How to Deal
How do you deal with toxic people? You're probably thinking, "Ditch 'em." And we don't blame you, but as you bounce from friendship to friendship, you'll likely find that everyone has some toxicity. In this episode of Life In Motion, Heather and Jamie talk about confronting toxicity in you and in others. We're all broken…
Help! I’ve Got Trust Issues
We’ve all experienced hurt, betrayal, and brokenness in our relationships. Unresolved hurt almost always leads to trust issues. So, how do we love like we’ve never been hurt? In this episode of Life In Motion, Heather and Jamie share their current and past struggles with trust issues and what they're doing about them. 3 Ways to…
Why is it so hard to make friends?
Why is making friends so hard? Like, don’t we all just want to be known? The desire to be seen, understood, and heard is hardwired in all of us. So why do we cringe at the idea of putting ourselves out there? It’s no surprise, social anxiety is at an all-time high. After a…
HELP! I don’t have any friends
If you’re new to Life In Motion, here’s what you should know: this is a podcast where best friends, Heather George and Jamie Jobe, talk about life—the ups, the downs, and everything in between, even the things we're not supposed to talk about. This season, we’re dialing in and dedicating to making, managing, and molding…
And That’s a Wrap: A Q&A to End Season One
Answering your questions on depression, loving the LGBTQ community, setting boundaries, and making friends. We've had an incredible 12 episode first season of Life In Motion. If you didn't know, season one was called "We've Got Issues". During this season, we've looked at anxiety, depression, overspending, grief, and so much more, and it's been an…
Counseling: What To Expect and When To Go
Okay, so maybe you’ve had the thought, “Should I go to counseling?” But quickly shrugged it off with a “Nahhhh, I already know all my issues. I don’t need someone else to know them.” Or maybe you’ve already made an appointment, but you’re nervous about what to expect. Like, what if you see someone there! …
Depression: Bringing to Light the Lingering Sadness
For some, depression creeps up seasonally. In the winter or when we’re away from people (like we were during quarantine). For others, though, depression is a part of every moment. It’s a lingering sadness that shows itself through slight aggravation, lashing out, and lethargy. In this episode of Life In Motion, Jamie Jobe opens…
Lost Dreams: How to recognize, embrace, and grieve them well.
In this episode of Life in Motion, Heather and Jamie discuss the loss of dreams; recognizing and coping with them, and how to properly grieve them. Heather recalls a story where she wanted to wear a feather boa out on a date with Whit one night when they were in college. But Whit, being introverted…
Questions on Parenting and Pornography
Heather and Jamie love to bring people together. So naturally, their podcast is a place where they want to do the same. Every season, we set aside episodes to hear from YOU and answer your questions—this is one of those episodes. In this episode, Heather and Jamie listen to voicemails from you and respond to…