Category: Marriage & Parenting

Jamie from Life in Motion

Family culture: I'm just like my dad.

What was your family culture like growing up? Not sure? Well, have you ever noticed yourself responding to something precisely the way one of your parents/guardians would have? It's totally normal but can also be a little startling. Whether you had amazing or not-so-great parents/guardians, how they acted and viewed the world shaped how you…


How do you handle conflict?

Conflict is inevitable. Hopefully, that gives you some peace—if you're experiencing conflict, that's okay. In fact, it's normal. Conflict isn't bad but the way we navigate it can be bad. So, how should you navigate conflict? There are definitely some really unhealthy ways to walk through conflict but did you know there is a Biblical…


Setting boundaries with in-laws, dealing with exes, and more!

Do you have questions about setting boundaries with your in-laws or dealing with an ex? We always wrap up our Life In Motion seasons with a Q&A episode. For this Q&A episode, we're focusing on relationship questions. Heather and Jamie answer your questions around setting boundaries with in-laws, mentoring relationships, and even being best friends with…


Can men and women be just friends?

Can married men and women be "just friends?" With the Billy Graham rule being now two generations old, is it time to adapt the way we approach relationships with the opposite gender? Let's talk about it. In this episode, Jamie and Heather discuss some of the red flags of being just friends as well as…