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Porn Is the Problem Pt. 2

Pornography brings about pain.  It destroys marriages, places expectations and judgments on bodies, takes away the sanctity and beauty of sex within a marriage, and it brings children into a world of temptation and addiction well before their time. Our children, ultimately, are the ones who pay the price of porn, unless we protect them. … Continue reading “Porn Is the Problem Pt. 2”


Porn Is the Problem Pt. 1

Pornography brings about pain.  It destroys marriages, places expectations and judgments on bodies, takes away the sanctity and beauty of sex within a marriage, and it brings children into a world of temptation and addiction well before their time. Our children, ultimately, are the ones who pay the price of porn, unless we protect them. … Continue reading “Porn Is the Problem Pt. 1”


Have you met the real Jesus?

Have you met the real Jesus? One way to tell is by looking at how you treat people or think about yourself—it’s a direct expression of the way God is working in you. To put it plainly, our love for God is expressed in our love for other people.


About Church

Maybe you know this… maybe you don’t but In Motion is the content platform of Church on the Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We put together the church blog category for content related to our church and help answer questions our readers might have about who we are and what we do. A family of churches … Continue reading “About Church”


About Our Content

Life in Motion is a podcast hosted by Heather George and Jamie Jobe. It’s a show where two best friends talk about life, family, and the hard things we all go through.


Contentment Over Materialism by Hannah Zapf

Let’s talk about contentment—Do you ever wonder why you always want the new iPhone? Why you want a new car when yours still runs great? Why you want to go to Target when you feel sad? They say the average American sees over 5,000 ads per day. Our society is overrun with consumerism that is … Continue reading “Contentment Over Materialism by Hannah Zapf”


$hopping, $pending & $atisfaction

 With Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal, Amazon, and buy online/pick up in store, it’s never been easier to spend, to buy, to find satisfaction in something other than God. You probably find yourself buying things or even just filling an online basket when you’re angry or bored or frustrated or feeling less than. Maybe you’re … Continue reading “$hopping, $pending & $atisfaction”


COVID: How Has Your Church Changed?

COVID-19 has been such a valuable opportunity for the church to step up in a hurting world but it has also presented new challenges. The question at the top of our mind has been: How do we continue to be the church and provide in-person services safely? We developed a comprehensive plan in partnership with … Continue reading “COVID: How Has Your Church Changed?”


Anxiety: What to do when you don’t know what to do

For some of us anxiety is an every now and then feeling, triggered by the environment we’re in. But for others, anxiety is a crippling emotion controlling every aspect of our lives. Regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on, the first step in finding peace is being honest with someone. Finding peace takes … Continue reading “Anxiety: What to do when you don’t know what to do”


About Life In Motion

Life in Motion is a podcast hosted by Heather George and Jamie Jobe. It’s a show where two best friends talk about life, family, and the hard things we all go through.
